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The Dragonica Safari!



The PvP tournaments are in full swing and already we have devised another event for you. Have you not had a holiday this Summer? Is the rain getting on your nerves? No problem, it’s time to start your safari! As you know, Dragotaka is home to many weird and wonderful creatures and monsters. Bunnies at the roadside, banana boats and Baaaaad Sheep. But nothing is more original, unusual and sometimes a bit scary as our rare monsters!

Where they’ll appear we cannot say, the untold dangers that await you we do not know. But what we can tell you is that adventure and fun await you, just like on a real safari!

Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to go and search for these monsters. When you find one of our fabled rare monsters you must take a screenshot and keep it for your collection!

Here's how:

- From today (14/08) it begins!
- Find as many rare monsters as possible and take a screenshot with both your character and the monster in view.
- The character name must be displayed in the screenshot, so that the picture will be counted as valid.
- All screenshots must contain the same character. Screenshots, in which different characters of the same accounts are used, are not valid.
- You must not kill the monster, but just stand next to him
- One monster, One screenshot: Several screenshots of the same Monster do not count.
- The rare monsters in the hidden maps do not count

In order to win:
- Find as many rare monsters as possible, send us the screenshots, with your ID and the subject "Safari" to contest@gpotato.eu

Please also read the Event Rules
- The entry deadline is 20/08 at midnight
- The 5 players with the most screenshots of rare monsters, win
- If more than 5 players have the same amount of screenshots, the fastest 5 will win

Now for the best part... The prizes! This time the winners will receive a super-rare (not even available in the Dragonica Shop) weapon, which they can equip for their adventure.

Good luck!
-Your Dragonica Team


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